Thank you for the concise and intriguing analysis.

Any thoughts on Tellurian/Souki Part 2?



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TC, at this time and depth of research in the topic, we don't have an opinion. But for sure, anything can happen!

Thanks for your questions and inputs. We like you content, too. Keep it up!

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Einhorn’s wasteland company analogy is very apt to describe these businesses.

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Interesting, we hadn't heard his take. Do you have a link to where he made the analogy?

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Thanks! we'll take a listen!

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Michael, thanks for sharing this interview with Einhorn (we finally got around to listening to the whole thing). It’s the first time we heard him use the term “wasteland companies.” We totally agree with his analysis of where there’s solid returns to be made. That’s why we’re digging into coal, oil and gas. Thanks again!

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Here's an interesting piece by a fellow substacker who seems to know a thing or two about LNG.


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