Investing Resources
This post is updated periodically with the most recent addition in BOLD. (Current as of 04 Jan 2024)
Barchart - allows charting of multiple stock price and indices charts at once
Dataroma - superinvestor portfolio updates and statistics, and insider buying
Dividendchannel - a tool for analyzing dividend-adjusted returns, the calculator tab is particularly useful
EDGAR - SEC forms and filings
FRED - economic data and macro charts
Grahamanddoddsville - value investing tools, newsletters, etc.
Insiderarbitrage - insider, mergers, buyback data and updated list, and information on upcoming spin-offs
Investopedia - financial term definitions, tools, and education material
Macromicro - provides a comparison between bitcoin miner costs and bitcoin price
Magicformulainvesting - an automatically updated list of good companies at bargain prices according to Joel Greenblatt’s formula
Morningstar - free version provides finances, growth, and valuation statistics
Oil Price Charts - a live table of national and international oil benchmark prices
Railroad Commission of Texas - oil and gas data for Texas
RBN Energy Blog - excellent analysis on everything energy
Stockrow - company data and ratios, ten year history
Stock Spin-off Investing - updated list, and information on upcoming spin-offs
The Zen of Investing - updated list, and information on upcoming spin-offs
Trading Economics - domestic and international macro economic data
US Debt Clock - real time statistics of US GDP, debt, spending, etc.
Valueinvestorsclub - free company write-ups by top investors
Value Investing World - investing advice and wisdom and an example investing decision checklist
YCharts - stock research, shares outstanding charts even for small stocks
Study Material:
Akre Capital Management - a long-term investor’s commentary and interview
Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder Letters - Buffett and Munger’s wisdom and insights
Bison Interests - analysis on the oil and gas sector
Buffett Partnership Letters - Buffett’s wisdom and insights
Constellation Software Shareholder Letters - Mark Leonard’s yearly shareholder letters
Cornerstone Analytics - Michael Rothman’s macro energy research
Edelweiss Journal - An irregularly published newsletter by Edelweiss Holdings
FRMO Corp - shareholder letters, annual and quarterly reports
Giverny Capital Partner Letters - the wisdom of value investor François Rochon
Goehring & Rozencwajg - top-notch natural resource investing commentaries and research
Greenblatt Special Situation Investing Course - notes from Joel Greenblatt’s course at Columbia University Business School
Horizon Kinetics - research, ETF holdings, and fund information
Lindsell Train - investment insight from ultra long-term investors
Lynch’s Law - Notes from a speech given by Peter Lynch
Lynalden - macro economic analysis from a engineer-turned-investor
Nomad Partnership Letters - Nick Sleep’s letters 2001-2014
The Felder Report - short blog posts from a macro expert
WESCO Financial Letters to Shareholders - unmatched wit and wisdom of Charlie Munger (1997 - 2009)
Woodlock House Family Capital blog - posts from Chris Mayer author of 100 Bagger: Stocks the Return 100-to1 and How to Find Them
Poor Charlie’s Almanack - Peter Kaufman (Editor)
The Most Important Thing - Howard Marks
The Psychology of Intelligence Analysis - Richards J. Heuer
Warren Buffett’s Ground Rules - Jeremy Miller
You Can Be A Stock Market Genius - Joel Greenblatt
100 Bagger: Stocks the Return 100-to-1 and How to Find Them - Chris Mayer
Thanks for sharing. I have been using this a lot as my home base when I want to learn something useful. Many thanks.
Excellent list! The Greenblatt course is a great resource that I review every now and then.
A few other tools that might be useful for those interested in shareholder activism:
1) Multi-Class Share Tracker ( A starting point for understanding governance risk and the balance of control at many companies.
2) Activist Campaign Archives ( Presentations from hedge funds like Elliott, Pershing Square, Starboard Value, etc.
3) Shareholder Meeting Calendar ( Keep track of upcoming company meetings for AGMs, M&A, etc.